Gifts in Action

Your gift can make great things happen.

You already know that we are dedicated to fulfilling our important mission. But you may not know exactly how we can use your gift to make that happen.

Your donations make our world better.

With your help, we continue to build spaces for people to be their authentic selves. We create lifelong bonds that foster a deep love for the people and places we encounter. We provide learning adventures for youth from all backgrounds that drive personal growth and inspire stewardship of the natural world. We embrace a world where nature, knowledge, and community converge.

Prairie Trek 2023

“Every year, every season, every trip we get to facilitate, we see youth dive into what it means to truly care. To shed apathy and feel excited about moving their bodies and sharing life-changing experiences. We witness their growth as they start to care about the world around them, their peers, and perhaps most importantly, themselves.”

Your support helps further our mission.

How? When you make a gift to us, your valuable donation may go to any of the following areas:

  • Scholarships for trekkers
  • Summer treks—experiential learning opportunities for ages 8 to 18 that include hiking, backpacking, science, cultural exploration, and place-based education
  • School programs—learning in the outdoor classroom to facilitate environmental education
  • Community programs, including treks for adults, Youth Conservation Corps, and Wilderness Medicine certification programs
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Make your gift more meaningful.

  • A dedicated gift. You can make your contribution in honor or memory of someone special.
  • A directed gift. You can choose to put your donation toward a particular program or scholarship that resonates with you.
  • An enduring gift. You can leave a powerful legacy by contributing to the Gulch Endowment Fund to support our programming for youth in perpetuity. Read more about endowment gifts.

Make a gift, make a difference.

“I’m really grateful for this experience. Being with my classmates in the outdoors allows me to get to know them in new ways that we don’t always have the chance to at school.”

-Oliver, Mandela International Magnet School

“I’m gonna miss this place more than usual. The person I am because of this summer is the person I want to be when I go back.”

-Daniel Mongrain, PT, 2023